The doctor’s office was freezing, so I headed outside to a park bench, read my book and headed back for the blood test. All the while, I felt perfectly fine, other than being hungry. Given the ease of the test, I am hoping that means I passed it with flying colors. On my way to work, I literally inhaled a breakfast taco and was good to go for the day—yaay! I will find out Tuesday if I passed.
On other fronts, the past few weeks have been a bit trying for a number of reasons. There have been some difficult family circumstances beyond our control that have seemed to pile on at once. One being, we just learned that Cary’s beloved grandfather (photo below) has advanced lung cancer. He is 86 and is already severely under weight. Without treatment, he has three months to live, but they are experimenting with some treatment options. Cary wanted more than anything for his grandpa to make it to Margo’s birth, just to hold her one time, but only the good Lord knows what is best and we will rely on His divine plan. All of these issues have been stressing me out a bit even though I am generally a pretty calm person, so… with stress comes insomnia.

All in all though, life is good and we are so incredibly blessed. We just need a few extra prayers right now and having a long weekend ahead of us helps as well! On a side not, our friends, Deidra and Brian, had a pre-term baby girl this week, two months early. Little Alexis was born weighing 3 lbs. 10 oz., but is doing incredibly well. Please keep all of them in your prayers because I cannot imagine the stress and fear in what they are going through. They are one beautiful and strong family and I know God is going to take extra special care of them.