Friday, May 28, 2010

Week 21 – Glucose Schmucose

This week I had my glucose tolerance test and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. I was really worrying about it because if I do not eat in the morning or have too much sugar, I often get hypoglocemic. I was afraid I would be passing out, but that was not the case at all. I drank my “fruit punch” like a champ, literally chugging it in less than one minute… because some of you may know from our college days, I can chug like a champ—hee hee! I disregarded the taste completely and was able to keep it down.

The doctor’s office was freezing, so I headed outside to a park bench, read my book and headed back for the blood test. All the while, I felt perfectly fine, other than being hungry. Given the ease of the test, I am hoping that means I passed it with flying colors. On my way to work, I literally inhaled a breakfast taco and was good to go for the day—yaay! I will find out Tuesday if I passed.

On other fronts, the past few weeks have been a bit trying for a number of reasons. There have been some difficult family circumstances beyond our control that have seemed to pile on at once. One being, we just learned that Cary’s beloved grandfather (photo below) has advanced lung cancer. He is 86 and is already severely under weight. Without treatment, he has three months to live, but they are experimenting with some treatment options. Cary wanted more than anything for his grandpa to make it to Margo’s birth, just to hold her one time, but only the good Lord knows what is best and we will rely on His divine plan. All of these issues have been stressing me out a bit even though I am generally a pretty calm person, so… with stress comes insomnia.

I have been battling major insomnia on and off throughout this pregnancy, but this week I cannot seem to get it under control. I would say in a span of five nights, I have slept a total of 13 hours. Pre-pregnancy, I was the kind of person that had to have my eight hours, however I am coping with this lack of sleep pretty well. I did take off my first day of work since pregnancy on Wednesday and was just glad I didn’t have to battle trying to stay awake in front of a computer. I have been allowing myself to take Benadryl every few weeks, but this last time it didn’t do the trick. I hope God isn’t preparing me for a major challenge with Margo. Both of my parents keep reminding me that “payback is heck”—ha ha!

All in all though, life is good and we are so incredibly blessed. We just need a few extra prayers right now and having a long weekend ahead of us helps as well! On a side not, our friends, Deidra and Brian, had a pre-term baby girl this week, two months early. Little Alexis was born weighing 3 lbs. 10 oz., but is doing incredibly well. Please keep all of them in your prayers because I cannot imagine the stress and fear in what they are going through. They are one beautiful and strong family and I know God is going to take extra special care of them.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week 20 – Craving Misbehaving!

The comparison below shows… the cravings and hunger have officially kicked in!! I swore to myself that I would eat better than I have been, but it is not going so well. In three weeks (week 17 to 20), you can see how my belly has expanded a HUGE amount! I am mostly craving sugar. I have to have something sweet everyday and I hear that is what gets you fat in pregnancy. I have been trying to keep up with my walking, but the warmer it gets and the bigger I get, the harder it gets. I only managed about three miles total this week. On the list of bad foods consumed this week:

Frito Pie
Two brownies
Three chocolate chip cookies
Beaver Balls – very bad fried brownie balls with ice cream
Two donuts
German Chocolate Cake
The deluxe plate from Chuy's

Such badness! I try to counteract it with lots of fresh fruit, oatmeal and veggies. Hopefully Margo is still getting a good balance of healthy foods. I want her to be smart and healthy, but my self-discipline has officially flown the coop!

So… I cannot believe I am at the halfway mark! I am so excited that she will be here in another 4 ½ months! I am actually very impatient about it all and find that time is creeping by. I am feeling great though, after a terrible first trimester, and trying to just take it all in. I can’t believe how much she already moves and am thinking that she might be sleeping in the night and awake in the day—gosh I hope so! Cary finally got the chance to feel her kicks last night and it was a very exciting moment to share with him. Despite the shortness of breath that is already becoming an annoyance and the almost constant acid reflux, things could not be better on the pregnancy front—yaay! After I finish the novel I am reading, I am officially moving on to a slew of parenting books to help me get prepared. I want to be the best mommy I can possibly be to our sweet girl!

Monday, May 17, 2010


So… I am reluctantly starting this blog because I am told “I have to have a blog” to showcase Baby Weaver, Margo! Becky, you convinced me and Mitz made it all happen! Cary hates blogs… I means hates them! He thinks they are stupid and he is also very private. I have tried to explain to him that it will be a great way for our family and friends to see our little family grow, but he is not convinced. So… I reluctantly start this blog with the hope that I will be able to keep up with it and that Cary will buy into it before too long when little Margo arrives and she is so stinkin’ adorable that we can’t help but paste her pictures everywhere and record her every move. What better way than this blog?!?

So here it goes… welcome to Weaver’s World! I might mention that one of my least favorite movies on earth is Wayne’s World, but Cary LOVES it, so hopefully our blog theme is viewed as a nice compromise. My dear friend, Michelle, has taken the time from her busy schedule to create this for us because I am so intimidated by technology, it is ridiculous. I am sure after a few posts, I will realize this is so easy and will wonder why I was so silly to think I couldn’t do it.

More to follow soon, as we prepare for our sweet girl, Margo’s arrival! Happy reading!