At his 15 month appointment, David's stats are as follows:
Height: 30.5" = 25%
Weight: 22 lbs. 8 oz = 50% (a 25% increase!!!)
Head: 25%
Finally, at about 14.5 months, David took his first steps and he took off. He quickly became sure footed and is already running, rarely falling down. Though he walked later partially due to some slight in-toeing, I think he waited until he was good and steady and ready! He loves for me to chase him around the house and squeels with excitement when I catch him. Much of his day is spent just walking around the house... it is as though he loves his newfound mobility and he loves to explore. As my mom has appropriately named him, David (instead of Dora) the Explorer!
David is proving to be very verbal and lately is starting to say almost every word we tell him, though his is still very hard to understand. Just the other day he was touching and pointing at the buttons on my shirt. I told him what they were several times and now he is quick to point out our "bubbons". It is amazing how they are really such sponges at this age. He knows the following animal sounds: elephant, lion, tiger, duck, cow, sheep and cat. His most commonly used words are: Mama, Dada, GoGo (Margo), Bye Bye, no no, Uh oh, done (when he is done eating), ball and bubbles. He knows where his eyes are, but hasn't mastered nose and mouth yet.
David's favorite place to be is outside! He also loves his bath and loved getting in the baby pool with absolutely no fear this spring. He continues to love balls, books, music and little things he can finger and play with like Little People, magnets on the fridge, stackers, blocks, etc... We started a class at Gymboree after his first birthday and to say he loves it is an understatement. He dances and participates with so much animation... far more than the other kids. It is pretty funny to see!
He is not a great napper, but is a great night time sleeper! He has already dropped to one nap a day which has proved to be challenging because he still gets tired in the morning, I push it as late as I can and he usually sleeps two hours. Then, he really still needs a short afternoon nap, but will not take one. Most nights, he is in bed by 6:45 because he is so tired. A funny thing about David is he loves to be in his bed. He whines and cries and tries to climb in when he is ready for a nap or just wants to take a short break by himself... I have no complaints... I hope he always loves his bed this much!
David is my picky kid... probably for obvious reasons with his past tummy issues that limited his diet for so long. The only veggies he eats are in the pureed pouches and he will eat a few select whole fruits... blueberries, peaches and pears. French fries are his favorite food! I am happy, however, that he likes purees and different textures unlike Margo. He will readily eat yogurt, apple sauce and oatmeal! He is still such a gassy guy and fussy at times, that I have not introduced some of the healthy foods that Margo loved such as broccoli and beans. O'well, I will make sure he gets as much nutrition as possible and I am working hard on not giving in. If he refuses his fruit, he doesn't get anything else until he eats it.
I have decided that this is my favorite age... for now. It is so fun! Everything David does and says is so cute and amazing to us as parents. He is a true sweetheart and delights in all of us. He is fascinated by my face and my hair, he loves to put his sweet head on my shoulder or in my lap and he has the sweetest smile I have ever seen! I am so glad him and Margo have each other and I love watching them connect. The laughter they share and the way he is learning from her is incredible. I thank the good Lord for the gift of our beautiful and amazing son every single day!