Three weeks of Margo’s ninth month were consumed by the virus from hell! Poor Margo’s little intestinal system needed a lot of time and TLC to heal. Apparently, it is somewhat common for a baby’s first stomach virus to be severe because after the virus works out of the system, the intestines have to rebuild their lining. Until the lining is back to normal, symptoms continue. Needless to say, we endured three long weeks of terrible diarrhea, diaper rash and more. It is over now and we are grateful for a happy and healthy little girl.
So… month nine was pretty uneventful. Margo went backwards on her diet and sleep. She was only allowed apples, rice cereal and bananas. She drank special formula that smelled awful. She awoke several times in the night needing diaper changes and her schedule was a mess. Through it all though, you would have never really known. She didn’t act tired or sick or hungry for something different. As always, my little sunshine went along happily being the trooper she is!
In month nine, she did perfect her crawling and followed mama everywhere. She cannot stand to be out of my sight and has become very attached. I am hoping this phase turns into a more independent one soon! She is pulling up on EVERYTHING and desperately wants to walk. She also got her 1st tooth which was huge for us!! I started to worry it was never going to come. She barely fussed and the teething didn’t seem to bother her any more than normal.
She truly is my sunshine and the light of my life. Her 1st birthday party will appropriately be a “You are my Sunshine” theme. Her sweet and beautiful little demeanor seems to spread light to everyone around her. Many new fun and exciting developments in Margo’s world coming to you in month ten!!!
Slow Start
1 week ago