So... I digress a bit and am revisiting Margo's 11th month because I was waiting on her stats from her 1 year appointment and want to keep these thoughts and memories stored on my blog. It's funny how much has already changed since I wrote this!
Margo’s little personality just keeps blossoming as she gets older and she is quite a hoot! She is the happiest child and laughs all the time. The last month in her 1st year has been awesome! It just gets more and more fun! She has become an expert hugger and there is nothing better in the world. She must crawl into my lap and wrap her arms around my neck at least 25 times a day. She also gives kisses now, but only when she really wants to—maybe I have bad breath. ;-) She has started crawling into the bathroom, closing the door and standing up in front of the full length mirror to admire herself. She smiles and laughs and kisses herself—it is hilarious! We have to be careful she doesn’t shut herself in there.
Margo has always loved books, but has recently started to get excited about reading. We read at least three times a day before her naps and at bedtime. She makes little excited noises when I pick up the book and she loves turning the pages. I am so glad we pushed reading very early and I hope this will help her grow into an avid reader.
At the end of month 11, Margo started getting braver and briefly letting go to stand on her own. She only does it for a matter of seconds, but I anticipate that she will be walking soon. Her favorite toy is the push walker and if she had it her way, that is all she would do all day. I have to hide it to get a break since it requires constant supervision. She is also dancing which is just adorable. It doesn’t matter the music, she hears it and smiles and dances. I am so excited to have a dance partner now. We have many moments of dancing and twirling around the room… she totally brings out the child in me and I love it!
Margo is not really talking real words yet except “dada” and she clearly understands what it means. She spent two days saying, “mama” about a month ago and then quit. I can’t wait until she starts expanding her vocabulary. We think she is saying dog because she said it once when a dog was walking by outside and then once when looking at a dog in a book. Funny because we don’t have a dog! She can make lots of funny noises like tootie noises and stick her tongue in and out making babbles. She also talks jibberish all the time… I wish I knew what she was saying! She loves to mimic our silly noises and tries to copy animal noises. She can definitely moo and has made many attempts at meowing. She loves to scream… maybe she is trying to be a screeching bird!
Margo also clearly understands what “no” means and can follow our commands, but also loves to test us. She often attempts to do the same thing over and over (like grab mommy’s pretties), but jerks her hand away as soon as I say “no” with a big ‘ole grin on her face. She has recently started laughing at my discipline too and only really cries at “no” when I take something away that she wants, like daddy’s glasses. It is so hard not to laugh back. I am pretty sure she is gonna be a bit of a stinker, but also has her daddy’s calmer side as well… a good combination!
Our biggest change this month was transitioning to the big girl bath. Margo was really not happy in her other tub, which was really big but she kept trying to stand and started having fits over being confined. This was unusual for my girl who loves the water. At the urging of my sister and best friend, we took the plunge and are using the big bath. It is a big pain because Margo will not sit still and slides all over the place, but she loves the freedom. She does cry when I lean her back to wash her hair and I am trying to establish trust in this area. She has slid face first into the water a few times which scared the puddin’ out of her, but she always recovers quickly. I hate having to hold on to her constantly and tell her to sit down 10 times in a row, but she is learning and is testing her boundaries and I consider that a good thing!
Margo was sick at her one year appointment with a bad sore throat and fever and had barely eaten for two days, so her weight hadn't changed. I am hoping it was because she is sick and not because she is getting too skinny on me. She is an awesome eater, but is incredibly active so she is busy burning calories all the time! Her stats were:
20 lbs. 15 oz. - 45% for weight down from about 75%
29.25" tall - 51% for height
14.21% for head circumference - Mom and dad have small heads too
She is my delight and my utter joy. I sometimes miss my little tiny baby, but am also excited for all the fun changes in the year to come!
Slow Start
1 week ago