Margo has been so much fun this month! She is changing by leaps and bounds everyday and experiencing this with her has been incredible!
This month, Margo moved to two naps a day! She is still a ridiculously early riser (5:30 am), but I wouldn’t ever trade that for sleeping through the night! I love the two naps because we can do more in between since she goes about three hours and we have a larger window of awake time in the evening before bed. We have actually started to go to lunch and dinner more frequently and Margo loves to get out and see the world, run errands, etc…
The biggest blessing of the month is that Margo is reflux-free! I cannot tell you how relieved this makes us. No more meds, no more bibs and burp cloths 24-7, no more changing sheets every other day, etc… Most of all, it means relief and less discomfort for my sweet girl! She is eating like crazy as mentioned in my last post and loves her food. She loves to drink water (I am staying away from juice as long as possible) and can drink from a sippy cup on her own. She can also feed herself a bottle for a period of time, but still likes to be cuddled and fed by someone else. I will keep feeding her her bottle, or sippy cup when we switch, for as long as she lets me. Feeding time is my favorite because she is usually calm, quiet and affectionate.
The rest of the time, Margo is on the move non-stop. We are told by our moms that she has more energy than we ever did—oh’ no! It is clear we have our hands full, but she is sweet and pleasant, understands and usually obeys “no”, etc… She just loves exploring her world and having the freedom to be mobile! She loves to look out all the windows and if it wasn’t so darn hot, I am sure we would spend most of our time outside. She has been able to push her walker for most of the month and gets stronger and stronger every day. I have to hide it because I am afraid to let her play on it without my supervision and it is her favorite thing to do. She also loves the old school style walker you sit in and practically runs in it, banging into furniture and walls. It’s funny!
In month 10, she started waving and clapping. She doesn’t do it a lot and I am not sure she associates it with anything, but I am working with her. She is becoming more and more verbal everyday and saying so many new consonants. Most exciting is dada… I love to hear her say it and cannot wait for the day she finally says mama. She has begun to babble and talk jibberish all day long. It is hilarious and I just wish I could get into her head to find out what she is trying to say! She got her second tooth this month and I think the new object in her mouth drives her crazy. She is sticking out her tongue all the time!
Every day is a new adventure with my sweet girl. This has been my favorite month yet, discovering new things with her, sharing in hysterical laughter and bonding closer every day. Margo makes my world go round in ways I could have never imagined. The fun continues and I am eternally blessed by her beautiful little spirit!
3 days ago
Hooray the reflux is finally gone!!! I am sure that you are thrilled!! What a cutie!