To say that month three with Margo has been amazing is an understatement. Margo’s little personality is really starting to shine through and she is getting more and more fun each day! In month three, Margo started smiling a ton, rolls over from her tummy to her back, although Cary says he saw her roll both ways on her play mat once—I have yet to see it! She is holding things with her hands and becoming more aware of them, drooling A LOT and continues to talk up a storm! I have been around lots of babies and do not remember this much cooing and gooing, squeeling and ooohhing at such a young age! We are definitely going to have a talker on our hands and I better start preparing to answer tons of repetitive questions.
The night before I was to return to work, Margo gave me a most special gift with her first real laughter. She gave me big belly laughs over and over and it made my heart smile so big! She now laughs for me every day and it is so much fun to play with her in this way!
She is a little rolly polly and definitely is “healthy” as they say! She weighs 14 lbs. 10 oz and went from the 10th to the 60th percentile since her last appointment! She is 24” and in the 27% for height and her head is 14%. She is so cooperative in letting me trim her nails and most loves her bath time. Her eyes are dark dark brown and her eyelashes are so so long—like a giraffe’s—as my sister pointed out! She is getting a little beauty mark on her face near her right eye. Right now it just looks like a tiny freckle. I hope it doesn’t get too big and actually is beautiful! Otherwise, her pediatrician wants to watch it closely and we may end up having it removed.
One of her favorite toys continues to be the play gym and she loves her cell phone and aquarium toy from Christmas. She also loves to look at herself in the mirror in her bed. Sometimes I come in in the morning and after her naps to find her rolled on her back and chatting with herself in the mirror.
Margo’s reflux is staying steady and she is doing much better than in month two. She has good days and bad days, but we have seen marked improvement on this front. Motherhood is amazing and fills my heart with joy and gratitude each day! I love that so many friends have had babies around the same time, so I can seek out advice, share stories, swap ideas, etc…
Slow Start
1 week ago