Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ending the Year with Christmas Cheer‏

I was worried about being exhausted and pregnant over the holidays, but I think God blessed me with one last burst of energy which enabled me to get it all together and enjoy the beauty of the Christmas season. I managed to put out a few decorations and got the tree decorated thanks to Cary picking out yet another perfect tree this year and the Weavers putting the lights on. About 95% of my gifts were purchased and wrapped by the 1st week in December, we had two advent calendars to enjoy with Margo and she loved her little tree in her big girl room!

I was able to feel the magic of Christmas in anticipation of the birth of Christ and loved seeing the wonder and excitement in Margo this year! One of my favorite holiday moments was a simple walk that Cary and I took after dark with Margo to see the lights in our neighborhood. She thought it was so neat and held our hands the entire way, stopping to touch the blow up Santas in the yards and marvel at the pretty lights. It was one of those last significant moments for me to remember as a family of three, walking together hand-in-hand, in the quiet and cold of the night with so much to be grateful for and look forward to. We also had a fun night driving through River Oaks to look at Christmas lights after dinner at Chuy’s and a special trip to the Chocolate Bar which Margo thought was really special. All was going perfectly until…

…Margo decided to get one of her worst illnesses ever just two days before Christmas. We are talking 105.4 fever, non-stop coughing all night long and pure misery for our little angel. Really? Seriously? Margo was sick with a high fever the year prior over Christmas. Really? Are you kidding me? That is what I felt as exhaustion and sadness set in for my precious little one. I so wanted her to love Christmas this year and enjoy every moment. O’well, things don’t always go as planned, but fortunately we were able to get her into the doctor on Christmas Eve just before our celebration with my family. We were all tired and I was emotional, but we made the best out of a crummy situation and had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my sister and mom.
Caroline helping Margo open gifts.

Checking out her new doggie that sleeps with her now!
Margo was pretty out of it, but she still had fun opening presents and liked tearing off the paper more than the actual gifts. Blue being her favorite color, she wanted to open everyone’s blue packages. Her cousins helped her and the weather was warm, so we spent some time outside, listened to Christmas tunes and had an amazing meal. My brother-in-law, Alan, makes the BEST beef tenderloin you have ever had, seasoned and cooked perfectly, better than any steak in a restaurant, with all of the yummy fixings! By the time lunch was over, Margo could not last another minute, so Cary took her home and I treated myself to a small glass of wine, we sang “Happy Birthday” to Jesus and I had a little time to unwind and be with my family.

Happy Birthday, Jesus!  I made red velvet from scratch!

Margo's amazing cousins who are so good to her!
After one dose of antibiotics or perhaps the virus running its course, Margo was already improving by Christmas Day, although the night was pretty sleepless. I gave her a good dose of Advil Christmas morning and she enjoyed the day. She was groggy and puny for the big Santa reveal and just sat staring at everything in awe for a while. I don’t think she had any idea that Santa was really going to bring her all of that stuff. Once her meds kicked in, she got excited and looked at all of her toys and things. I swore we would do a small Christmas for her because I felt like her birthday was so over-the-top, but it is hard. I would be out and about and see something that reminded me of her and add it to the stash of Santa gifts or her stocking.

As usual, she received her nine books from Santa’s reindeer and a sleeping bag and lunch box for her new school. Plus, she got mega blocks which keep her occupied, a train and one of her favorites is the make-up kit which is like mommy’s. She has been getting into my make-up and wanting to play with it for a long time, plus she loves playing with my expensive make-up mirror, so I knew it would be a hit. Now, she sits at her little table and "gets ready" while I get ready-ha! It is so cute how they want to emulate us! The one thing she repeatedly asked Santa for was an umbrella and a kitty, so she got a kitty cat umbrella and rain boots. I can’t wait to let her play in the warm spring showers with her rain gear!

We hosted Christmas Day at our house, which will become the new tradition with Cary’s family because I want to keep the kids at home to stay in their routine and enjoy their Christmas loot. This year, we took a different route and did brunch which was so easy and everyone seemed to really like. The food was yummy and it was an easy laid-back day enjoyed by all. Margo opened tons of packages and had more stuff than she knew what to do with. We shared laughter and made memories and despite the exhausting illness, we ended the year on a great note with lots of Christmas cheer!

Loving her new guitar!

My beautiful one!

Happy girl!

Checking out Nemo!


GiGi opening her surprise!

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