A lot has happened since I wrote this post and never managed to get it posted anywhere near Margo's seven month birthday. So... I am going to go ahead and post without pictures since most of you see them on facebook anyway and I was a picture posting fool this month. Please pray for Cary's family as they face the loss of his beloved grandfather this past week and a very Happy Easter to all!
Margo’s sixth month was so much fun and I cannot believe how quickly she is growing. In month six, her biggest milestone was sitting on her own. She is really steady and can sit by herself for several minutes. It was amazing how one day she couldn’t sit, the next she could and it just improved dramatically each day from there. I cannot walk away from her though, in case she rears back and hits her head, but she can sit and play with the boppy around her while I do chores for a good 15 minutes before becoming impatient or uncomfortable! It is so much fun to see her sit like a big girl and to be able to play with her things more easily. She is not even close to crawling yet, but is starting to make progress in a backwards motion, so I hope she will get motivated to start going forward soon, although then that means I have to start child proofing.
Margo has also become especially fascinated with her feet. She plays with them constantly and with a lot of effort can get them into her mouth. Maybe she will be a flexible little gymnast like me—Cary claims she has my muscular legs, although in looking at her chubbiness I am not sure how I feel about that—ha ha! Margo’s dexterity with her hands is growing and she can easily pass one object between them and has even exhibited a bit of a pincher grasp. She is eating her solids pretty well and has started to favor fruits over vegetables, so I am going to have to work on that.
She is still sleeping through the night like a champ, thank goodness, but is really becoming challenging during naps. She is becoming more aware of me being at home with her and is starting to protest even when I sit in her chair to rock. Inevitably, this means I am going to have to start the dreaded crying it out. Since her reflux is improving, I think we can do it during the day, but I will still have to hold her upright and rock her at night because bedtime throw-ups are still a big issue. Oddly enough, her naps with her grandmothers and Cary are not as difficult, so clearly I am doing something wrong or she just loves me and wants to be with me more. I choose the latter… ha!
On her reflux, it is definitely getting better. We discontinued one of her medications this month and I do not notice much of a difference. We had to taper down her solid feedings because she was throwing up a lot and I think it was too much. In one week, we had huge bedtime throw-ups in her bed every night, which wake her up, require us to clean her face, move her around, etc… It is such a pain. Otherwise, it is the usual daily spit-ups that are sometimes better/worse than others. It is really variable, but I am starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel. I can’t wait until Margo does not have to wear bibs constantly and be covered with a burp cloth!
On another front, Cary and I are having some childcare challenges with no good long-term solution, so I am asking for everyone’s prayer in this matter. Details to follow later, but we are starting to worry about a few months from now so pray God points us down the right path toward the best solution for us and our sweet Margo.
Otherwise, Margo continues to thrive and is just amazing. She has got to be the happiest, smiliest, sweetest baby on earth—at least in Mommy’s eyes—and we are so blessed by her presence in our lives. I could not love her more!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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