Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Peek at Margo's Birthday Week‏

It wasn’t really planned this way, but Margo’s birthday turned out to be a week-long extravaganza! She had so much fun with all of her mini family celebrations and her big party was a hit!

The Saturday before her birthday, PaPa and GiGi, brought Margo her new red tricycle fully equipped with a flashing flower basket, purple horn and a “You are Loved” license plate. They did not spare a detail and she is really excited about trying to ride it. We have been practicing, although I think it is going to take Margo a while to catch on. She will leave her feet on the peddles and move her legs with them as we push her, so that is a start. They also brought the cutest Elmo and Cookie balloons I have ever seen! After a yummy dinner at Pappasitos, she desperately wanted to take them to bed with her!

I took the day off on Monday, so I could spend Margo’s birthday with her. We filled the hall with balloons and streamers the night before and she wasn’t sure what the heck was going on that morning, but she sure thought it was fun! Her shopping cart and groceries gift were waiting on her play mat and she went around and around and sampled many of the delicacies filling her cart—ha ha! We played at home and headed for Hermann Park to ride the train. Boy, was it a hit! She absolutely loved the ride and we got off at one of the stops to play at the park. Luckily, the weather was amazing and we were getting a tiny taste of fall that day. She begged to ride again and what mother can resist, so we bought a cute little owl that she fell in love with and took one last trip around the park! Margo slept in the car for 15 minutes, which always turns out to be disastrous because she usually will not nap in the afternoon after any kind of cat nap. We had her favorite cheeseburger and fries for lunch and after an hour and a half of playing in bed, I gave up! I altered our afternoon plans knowing she would have an early bedtime and we spent all afternoon on her playset outside (her big birthday gift from her grandparents and us)! After dinner I got several cute little baby cupcakes ready for her. She was scared of the candles and is not a fan of cupcakes, although I was hoping she’d change her mind. After a lot of coaxing and total refusal to try anything, we settled on a cookie and she crashed after her bath, still talking about the “choo choo train”! She has been asking to go back every day since!

During the week, I think she got a gift everyday… a cute outfit from her favorite teacher, awesome pink Tom’s from Carter, bath toys from Lucas, a sparkly purse from her Great Granny Faye and more I am sure I am missing. She loved tearing into the paper and getting new stuff! On Friday my mom came over with more loot and Margo especially fell in love with her new pink house that has all kinds of fun functions, lights and noises. She had dinner with Granny, got to eat a special cookie and loved that Granny gave her her bath!

Then came the big party Saturday! I tried to explain to her that she was having a party and we have a few books about the subject, but she just didn’t get it! When she woke up many of the decorations and treat bags were already out. It was hard to keep her out of everything and keep the house clean. She took an extra long nap and by the time she woke-up it was almost party time. We kept the party simple for two-year olds and just let them play with toys and outside. We did have a pull string piñata—they were clueless, but I think they kind of had fun picking the treats off of the ground and putting them in their bags. I had also planned on doing Pin the Nose on Elmo, but the kids were having so much fun outside, I decided not to complicate things.

The food was really simple, ranging from Elmo’s favorite pizza, Dorothy’s goldfish, Oscar’s Texas trash, Abby’s magic pretzel wands and Sesame Street character cupcakes, among other things. I was really sad to learn that my usual cake person, who makes the best white cake I have ever had, was taking a break, but I ended up with a great, affordable option. I ordered cupcakes from Kroger to be iced in the colors I selected and then I hand decorated them to look like Elmo, Cookie Monster and Oscar. They were so easy to decorate and only $7/dozen!! Quickly becoming a Weaver family tradition was the margarita machine, which was a hit as always. I must admit, I snuck a few sips post-party to reward myself and baby boy Weaver slept great that night—ha ha!

All in all, I think Margo’s birthday week lived up to any kind of a birthday any two year old could ever hope for! I loved showering her with fun and attention and creating wonderful memories with her!

Margo with her awesome birthday stroller after a busy birthday week!

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