Our sweet Margo is now two months old and I cannot believe how much she has grown and changed! Besides the issues she has had with reflux, she is truly an angel baby and we are in love!
Margo now weighs about 9 1/2 lbs and is 21 inches long. Because she was premature, her percentiles are still pretty low, but she is growing like a weed:
17% for weight
10% for height
7% for her head (my head is small too)
Margo is really strong and holds up her head well. We put her in her Bumbo for the first time and she LOVES it--it is hilarious seeing how she responds to it. She can roll over from her tummy to her back. She smiles at mommy and daddy all the time and is talking up a storm. When she is hungry and we are about to feed her, she lets us know by making the cutest sound. The closest way I can describe it is to compare it to howling... it is a mix of excitement and fussing and it melts my heart every time!
She is sleeping anywhere from 3-5 hour stretches. It is very inconsistent and I am eagerly anticipating when she sleeps through the night. By the time I feed her, hold her upright for 20 minutes and then get myself back to sleep, I am often only getting three or so hours a night often times. The sleep deprivation has definitely been the most difficult challenge for me.
Otherwise, everything about my Margo amazes me and I love her more than I ever thought possible. Once we finally manage to get her reflux under control (or she outgrows it), I think she will be a near perfect baby. We are blessed beyond belief and are having fun as we adjust to this new life!
Slow Start
1 week ago
OMG! Erin she is adorable! Love the picture of her in the pumpkin onesie! too cute! Miss you Love you!