Tuesday, August 6, 2013

David Came Alive in Month Five

David's fifth month has been a true and utter joy and his little personality really came alive!  I can no longer label him as just fussy and sensitive and of course sweet.  In his fifth month, I have discovered that he is intense, active, happy, vocal and so much fun! 
Isn't he beautiful?

This is what Margo would say!
This month, David started sleeping 11 hours through the night--hallelujah for mommy!  I don't care what they say, but solids make all the difference in the world, especially for a reflux baby.  I am making baby food again and have already successfully started David on apples, peas, sweet potatoes, peaches, pears and butternut squash.  He really seems to enjoy it all and want more.  I am still trying to keep things gradual and not feed him too much since his tummy has been such a big challenge. 
Loving his food!
Six Month Stats:
Weight: 16 lbs. 6 oz. in the 25%
Height:  26" in the 40%
He is a bit on the small side, but we also have to remember he is a month early and will catch up eventually.  We are also having his right eye checked by a specialist since it seems to be turning in in every picture.

We have had a few sleep set backs which stem from David's increasing awareness and love for rolling over.  He wants to see mommy in the night, so rolls over to play with the hope I will come back in and roll him back.  He usually gets to a screaming point before I come back in.  I have seen him roll both ways, so I know he can do it and this little game he has created with me has become increasingly annoying, yet a bit funny. 
We're gonna have our hands full! ;-)
Happy 4th of July!

He also got a terrible diaper rash that began to spread all over his body.  I could not figure out the culprit, so our little guy was miserable at night until we solved the problem.  Turns out, David had a reaction to the Honest Co. baby wipes.  We did a test spot and figured it out after lots of process of elimination.  Funny that a company that claims to be all green and chemical free can effect your little one's skin so much.  David is clearly going to have sensitive skin like his mama and must have reacted to one of the herbal ingredients in the wipes, my guess is pomegranate.  It took two doctors appointments and two prescriptions to get it cleared up.  That hurdle behind us, and he is sleeping through the night again.

David started laughing a lot this month, especially at his big sister.  He absolutely loves to watch Margo in action and thinks just about everything she does is funny.  He also loves to be tossed around and tickled, two sure fire ways to elicit precious baby giggles.  He loves to be outside and all of his toys.  This month he was introduced to the exersaucer and the jumperoo, both big hits.  Thanks heaven for amazing baby toys to keep them entertained.  It didn't take him long to learn to jump and he loved putting on a performance for us.  You could tell he was proud of himself and loved to show off his new jumping skills. 

David also has a very calm and quiet side.  He will happily play in his bed for several minutes after waking from a nap.  He is content to sit on the side lines with a toy in his mouth and observe.  You can tell he is just taking it all in.  He loves to watch and that includes watching TV.  I cannot believe I am allowing it.  Margo did not watch TV until she was two, but it is inevitable now with a big sister.  He loves it!  He doesn't seem to be as into books as Margo was, but I am still trying and hoping he will develop a liking for them. 
Playing with his feet
Intense is another word I would use for David.  My goodness, our boy can scream.  I have had both grandparents comment that they have never heard a baby cry so hard and Cary's parents even wanted us to take him to the doctor.  I have figured out that it is just him.  He is sensitive and if he gets tired, hungry or frustrated, my goodness, he will let you know with an intensity that is ear piercing!  He clearly has a bit of a temper too.  If you take away a toy to put on his clothes or move him, whoa... you better watch out!  He is just very expressive... in good ways too.  He lets you know when he is happy as well.  If he is enjoying playing or discovering his new toys, he hoots and howls to let us know.  When daddy walks in from work, he roars with excitement to be held by his favorite guy!

Likes his tummy more than his back
David is a bit of a paradox.  One side of him seems so calm, utterly sweet and beautifully sensitive.  The other side is intense and alarmingly sensitive.  I think he is going to bring more joy and love to this household than our hearts can hold, yet continue to challenge us to grow as people and parents.  I have already had to learn a whole new level of tolerance, patience and calmness.  What a blessing this beautiful boy of ours is.  My heart feels so full and our family is truly complete with his special spirit in the mix!

1 comment:

  1. He is so big!!! He is just precious and glad you are getting some sleep. It is so interesting as a parent to learn how to parent the second child differently. All you know is the first one and then this totally different person shows up and you have to rethink it all! Fun but challenging, for sure!
