Friday, July 9, 2010

Week 27: 4th of July and Third Tri

The 4th of July weekend was a great one at the Weaver household because my best friend, Razil, and her beautiful little family came to visit! Razil and I are incredibly like minded when it comes to many things, like our home decorating style, cleanliness=Godliness, eating organically, etc… I deeply respect her parenting techniques (her beautiful girl, Olivia, is so well behaved it is amazing) and her wonderful and honest opinions on everything. I have been anxiously awaiting her visit for a while, so she could help me get prepared for Margo. To say that she was a help is an absolute understatement! Raz helped me finish my registry, helped with all the details of the room from wall art to the mobile to furniture placement and so much more. She had such awesome ideas and brought up things I would never think of! I feel a HUGE weight lifted after her visit and have accomplished so much since she was here.

Razil & I, my bump is looking big!

The actual 4th was a bit uneventful. We went to Rice Village to check out a sale at Doodles and it was closed, so we walked around to a few shops that were open and had a yummy lunch at Ruggles Bakery sans the dessert. We worked on the registry at babies R us and had a great dinner at Pico’s. Miss Livy is too young to stay up for fireworks, so we just hung out at home and visited. Bedtime was early because we were pretty exhausted from a late Saturday night, so we left the guys to drink beer and smoke cigars without us. All in all, it was a truly great weekend, just being in the presence of my dear dear friend whom I love so much and don’t get to see often enough. Livy was a hoot and could not get any cuter! Cary had a great time too, hanging with Luke!

Luke & Livy being silly!

So... here I am at the beginning of the third trimester—holy smokes! It is sneaking up on me fast, but I feel I have things more under control and am looking more and more forward to our future with Margo!

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