Friday, July 2, 2010

Pregnancy Week 26: Anniversary Trip Success & Progress

I cannot believe I am in the last week of my second trimester! I have been wishing for time to fly by, but now I am wishing for it to slow down. I had a doctor appointment this week and everything looks great. I am right on track and Margo looks fantastic! I am now going to be seeing the doctor every three weeks instead of every four which makes me realize I am in the home stretch—yikes! I have a big ultrasound at my next appointment and can’t wait to share the photos.

As mentioned in my last post, Cary and I went on a little trip to the hill country for our ninth anniversary. It was a wonderful time and we got some much needed R&R. Highlights of the trip included… a wonderful visit with my handicap uncle Wilson (picture below—the only one I took the whole trip), lunch with grandpa, breakfast with Adria, Eva and Gary—my beloved family, lots of walks in the park including a great free concert under the stars, food food and more food—I ate three steaks over four days, the best dessert I have ever had – a very special smores dish and a visit with my favorite college professor. My little college campus was barren, but I thought I’d try Dr. Olson’s office and low and behold… he was there! I have not seen him in 11 years and it took him a minute to recognize me, but it was a really neat visit. Funny… his office had not changed a bit and the entire experience brought back a flood of wonderful college memories.

Going into the third trimester, I am finally making some progress on Margo’s room! I am an extremely anal person and am quite the planner. For various reasons, we have not be able to start on the room as soon as I’d like. Keep in mind, I usually have my shopping done and Christmas presents wrapped by Thanksgiving. Anyway, the electrician is coming to hang the chandelier, we are getting new carpet on July 9th, our chair is supposed to be arriving soon and the bedding arrived today. I need to get the furniture from my sis and then we should have the basics done. The details will hopefully be the fun part!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Erin! I can't wait to see Margo's room. You look so great! I am sooo excited you are coming to my shower. I am planning on coming to yours :) As soon as you get some stuff in Margo's pictures. Love you!
